
Энциклопедия дизайна. Концепции. Материалы. Стили

Автор: Шарлотта Филл, Питер Филл
Для новичков
Язык: Русский

Красиво изданный (как принято в издательстве Taschen) краткий справочник по важнейшим явлениям и вехам в истории дизайна. Концепты, стили и немного материаловедения; архитектура, продуктовый, графический дизайн.

Авторы, дуэт Филлов, — вполне знаменитые лондонские эксперты, и в нашей подборке можно найти еще одно их произведение. А всего книг о дизайне у Филлов — целая полка, вместо «Энциклопедии дизайна», например, можно взять Design of the 20th Century.

Отзывы о материале

This book, how its name said, it's a really good handbook for a initial design career student, it's have a descent brief of every important styles and movement of history of design, and that's the tip of have a nice culture of design, also teach you about the concepts that designers used and how they give a look to the products they design, and for last how the product can be made teaching you about some of the best and important materials for construction of products.

This is one design book that is essential to own. There are sections on materials, movements, architecture, concepts and more. The introduction alone contains a concise synopsis of the evolution of design. From Bauhaus to Arts and Crafts, tubular steel to carbon fibre, ergonomics to brand identity, this handbook is packed with the building blocks of product, spacial and graphic design.