
What's the worst experience you have ever had in a job interview?

Для новичков
Язык: Английский

Еще одна подборка от Quora: рассказы о самых огорчительных собеседованиях, которые пришлось пережить разным людям. Прочитайте и подумайте: как бы вы себя повели в такой ситуации?

А если хотите еще и развлечься, то вот «9 рассказов о безумных собеседованиях» от The Village (на русском языке).


«I was asked if I had a boyfriend (it was an environment that was 90% male). The interviewer explained that he didn't want me flirting and 'messing around' with the team (I had a turtleneck and suit on, and had glowing references, so no clue where he got this idea). I said no, and outed myself to him. That was fun. I was offered the job. Needless to say, I didn't take it».